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About Me

 who am I?

Lets start from the start. My name is Kshitij Thakre. And if my name is difficult to pronounce (which it is), call me whatever - Bob, John, Michael, Jack...

I am from India. I have a Bachelors Degree in Computer Engineering and I work as a Systems Engineer at Infosys Ltd.

whats interesting about me?

Nothing really. I have big plans but I have to yet to figure out how exactly to achieve them. I like to procrastinate (a lot). And instead of studying, I just think about studying, then zone out, and never zone in again for a long time.

I have a great interest in Ethical Hacking and Pentesting. But there are so so many resources out there that I confused where to actually start. But for now, I have started learning towards Bug Bounty Hunting from Youtube videos and reading 'Web App Hackers Handbook' book.

why should people read this?

Why shouldn't people read this? I am trying to document my journey by following one step at a time. There might be tons of people out there who have a great potential but lack a guide. I am one of them. By having my own path of achieving my goal, I might help at least one person who can follow it and make it his/her own.

how am I helping by doing this?

I am like a bad decision maker. I have made a lot of mistakes and took a lot of wrong turns, but that is how you get to know where you went wrong! Right? I am speaking in a very confusing way right now, I know. I am writing this while having a really bad headache, but I had to get this out.

So, my plan is this:

  • to document my journey, and let people know that you can start from anywhere, in any age, in any field of study
  • to get my story out there, even if I get 0 views, I am going to keep writing.
  • to do a braindump everytime I feel like it.
  • to write on any subject that I have my own thoughts on, even if its not of my field of study.

what's next?

Right now, I am employed so I am working full time. But I am also studying whenever I get some time. As I am studying, I will try to write what I am doing, what concepts I am learning, and some short posts about various topics (which I will write about as I go).

Until next time, keep learning!!
